John Andrew Sims

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Bloco Delta
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- 4996-8231 (R. 8231)
Outras Informações
Área: Engenharia Biomédica
Subárea: Processamento de Imagens Médicas
I am an assistant professor in Biomedical Engineering at the Federal University of ABC (, situated in a region just outside São Paulo, Brazil. My research interests include medical image processing in the area of Cardiology from magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography images and radiomic analysis of tumors. I am an associated member of the FAPESP project "Accurate Mapping of Cardiac Atrial Fibrilation, an experimental contribution", (FAPESP: 2018256062). I previously worked as a Senior Systems Analyst at the Heart Institute (Instituto do Coração, FMUSP), São Paulo Brazil, having completed my doctorate in sciences in Biomedical Engineering (Electronic Systems) in the Electrical Engineering department at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. I have a master of science degree in Sound and Vibration Studies from the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR), Southampton University, United Kingdom (1994) and graduated in Pure Physics from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (1992). I am formally qualified to teach in the United Kingdom, possessing a Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS), with a specialisation to teach Numeracy, from the University of Greenwich, United Kingdom (2010) and also hold a Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) from Universidade of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (2003). I am a native English speaker, fluent in Portuguese, and passed the CELPE-BRAS Portuguese examination with upper intermediate level in 2012.
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